10 February 2025
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Viscount Survivors

59 of the 444 Viscounts built survive as complete airframes or major components. Some are in very good condition and are looked after by museums while others are just wrecks. They can be found in 24 countries.

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Established 2005
Vickers Viscount Network
A Virtual Museum dedicated to the Vickers-Armstrongs VC2 Viscount

Sponsorship negotiations to move aircraft continue

Photo of F-BGNR's starboard wing and tail
F-BGNR's starboard wing and tail section at Skysport Engineering at Hatch near Sandy, Bedfordshire, England.

Photo of the trailing edge sections of the mainplanes from F-BGNR Trailing edge sections of the mainplanes.

Many people will see a project like this as being purely about the aircraft and through no fault of their own do not understand or even realise the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes. Currently most of the time is being taken up preparing for the aircrafts arrival at the Midland Air Museum. Other aircraft are being relocated to allow 'Victoria Lynne' to be placed on her own hard standing.

Another productive trip down to Hatch was undertaken by Martin and Rob primarily to learn more about the aircraft. Unlike previous visits where the weather had been somewhat dodgy it was a scorcher of a day. Although the interior of the aircraft was sweltering it was found that the cargo holds and the areas such as the electrical bay located under the floor of the passenger aisle were like fridges. While lifting the carpets to reveal the access panels original French labelling containing instructions and warnings were found.

Photo of one of F-BGNR's Rolls-Royce Dart RDa6 Mark 506 engines. One of F-BGNR's Rolls-Royce Dart RDa6 Mark 506 engines.

As on previous trips more items from the aircraft were brought back. All the loose items that were in the various holds together with all the components that were in external storage around the airframe, and could fit in a car, are now at Coventry. Also found was a near complete set of passenger windows in original wrapping.

Viscount 35 Association logo

The main activity during the month has been negotiating the sponsorship to move the aircraft. What had looked to be a very positive lead fell flat at the last hurdle. The team were gutted and very surprised by the final decision, but after a period of disappointment picked themselves up and moved on. Although time is passing by they still have a few avenues to follow up and are confident that it's not going to be a case of 'if' she moves but 'when' she moves this summer. Watch this space as they say.

For those who have continued to check the 'Viscount 35 Association' website you will have noticed that it isn’t up and running yet. After a few teething problems and false starts the team are pleased to announce that the site will be going live in May. As you can see the associations logo that was designed on scraps of paper by the team and turned into finished art work by Paul Hill is now complete.

For more information about this project please e-mail the 'Viscount 35 Association', or visit the Viscount 35 Association’s web site and also watch the news pages here at the Vickers Viscount Network for further developments.

Photo of inside the forward baggage hold of F-BGNR.
Inside the forward baggage hold.

Photo of BEA - British European Airways Viscount G-AOJC

The Vickers Viscount Network is always interested to hear from anyone who has information or photographs to help complete the story of the Viscount. If you can help please contact us at

Click here for more details about the Vickers Viscount Network

This website has been designed, built and is maintained by Geoff Blampied, Norwich, Norfolk, England.