February 1959 to July 1960
Airwork Ltd
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
20 May 1958
Registered to Airwork Ltd.
Their registered address was: - 35 Piccadilly, London, W1
4 February 1959
First flight from Hurn Airport, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.
23 February 1959
Certificate of Airworthiness (CofA) issued.
23 February 1959
Departed from Hurn Airport, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England to Blackbushe Airport, Hampshire, England on delivery as a Type 831 fitted with extended range 'slipper' fuel tanks.
26 February 1959
Departed from Blackbushe Airport, Hampshire, England to Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England as its new operating base.
Sudan Airways livery
circa May 1959
Noted at Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England painted in Sudan Airways livery with Viscount c/n 419 ST-AAN in the next bay. There is no evidence of this aircraft being operated by Sudan Airways or the allocation of a Sudanese registration. Details please to information@vickersviscount.net
circa November 1959
Noted at Salisbury International Airport, Kentucky, Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland on a charter flight with the extended range 'slipper' fuel tanks now removed.
12 May 1960
Noted at Renfrew Airport, Glasgow, Scotland bringing a private group for a River Clyde ship launch together with Transair G-APKG (C/N 395).
1 July 1960
Transferred to British United Airways (BUA) due to a corporate merger.

July 1960 to June 1961
British United Airways (BUA)
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
1 July 1960
Transferred from Airwork Ltd due to a corporate merger.
2 July 1960
Departed from Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England on its first day in BUA service.
13 August 1960
Noted at Mulhouse Airport, Basel, Alsace Region, France operating a BUA service but still in full Airwork livery.
December 1960
Noted at Portela Airport, Lisbon, Portugal with a plain white tail, i.e. without the Union Jack flag.
February 1961
Noted at Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England with the Union Jack flag now on the tail.
9 May 1961
Noted at Wisley Airfield, Surrey, England presumably back with Vickers for modification work.
1 June 1961
Leased to East African Airways Corporation (EAAC).

June 1961 to June 1961
East African Airways Corporation (EAAC)
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
1 June 1961
Leased from British United Airlines (BUA).
29 June 1961
Noted at Luqa, Malta with East African Airways Corporation (EAAC) titles operating a service from East Africa to London, England.
30 June 1961
Returned to British United Airlines (BUA).
Dates unknown, details please to information@vickersviscount.net

June 1961 to November 1966
British United Airways (BUA)
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
30 June 1961
Returned from East African Airways Corporation (EAAC) lease. Dates unknown, details please to information@vickersviscount.net
22 November 1966
Leased to Alia - The Royal Jordanian Airlines.

November 1966 to February 1967
Alia - The Royal Jordanian Airlines
JY-ADB - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
Jordan registered
20 November 1966
Leased from British United Airways (BUA) and delivered in a modified BUA livery with 'The Royal Jordanian Airlines' titles.
21 November 1966
Departed from Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England on a local air-test.
30 November 1966
Departed from Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England to Rome, Italy on delivery to Jordan.
After delivery it was repainted in the full Alia red and white livery.
It was leased using a BUA flight crew consisting of Captain Higgins, Captain Whittaker and First Officer Batten.
17 February 1967
Returned to British United Airways (BUA).

February 1967 to January 1969
British United Airways (BUA)
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
17 February 1967
Returned from Alia - The Royal Jordanian Airlines lease via Rome, Italy to Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England.
18 February 1967
Departed from Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England to Jersey Airport, Channel Islands for maintenance at the BUA facility there.
3 April 1967
Departed from Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England to Le Touquet France on its first service after maintenance.
21 August 1967
Noted repainted in the new 'Sandstone and blue' livery.
Viscount illustrations by David Carter
10 January 1969
Sold to British Midland Airways (BMA).

January 1969 to June 1969
British Midland Airways (BMA)
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
10 January 1969
Purchased from British United Airways (BUA).
It was ferried from Gatwick Airport, Surrey, England to East Midlands Airport, Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England.
20 January 1969
Entered service with British Midland Airways (BMA).
circa June 1969
Leased to Ghana Airways for a short period. Date unknown. Information please to information@vickersviscount.net

June 1969 to July 1969
Ghana Airways
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
circa June 1969
Leased from British Midland Airways (BMA) for a short period.
circa July 1969
Returned to British Midland Airways (BMA).
Dates unknown. Information please to information@vickersviscount.net

July 1969 to November 1973
British Midland Airways (BMA)
G-APND - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
circa July 1969
Returned from Ghana Airways lease. Date unknown. Information please to information@vickersviscount.net
February 1973
Proposed sale to Arkia Israel Inland Airlines was not completed but the aircraft was fully painted up.
Returned to BMA - British Midland Airways service
11 April 1973
Noted back in service with British Midland Airways (BMA) in Arkia livery but minus any titles.
June 1973
Noted with British Midland Airways (BMA) titles now applied to the Arkia livery.
28 September 1973
Final service for British Midland Airways (BMA).
1 November 1973
Sold to British Aircraft Corporation (BAC).

November 1973 to December 1973
British Aircraft Corporation (BAC)
G-16-20 - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
1 November 1973
Purchased from British Midland Airways (BMA) and issued with a 'B-Conditions' registration for additional test flying.
(G= UK, 16 = Vickers, 20 = twentieth registration issued).
1 November 1973
Ferried from East Midlands Airport to Hurn Airport, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England which took 50 minutes.
13 December 1973
Air tested from Hurn Airport after maintenance with BAC. The flight lasted for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
21 December 1973
Sold to Arkia - Israel Inland Airlines.

December 1973 to January 1989
Arkia - Israel Inland Airlines Ltd
4X-AVF - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
Israel registered
21 December 1973
Purchased from British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) and delivered from Hurn Airport to Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel.
30 October 1979
Total time 36,776:12 hours.
30 August 1980
Total time 37,774:56 hours and 31,793 total landings.
19 November 1980
Total time 38,028:15 hours.
25 May 1982
Sold to Ronald J Clark / Go Transportation Inc but immediately leased back. The Go Group subsequently ceased operations.
2 January 1983
Last service to Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel and stored.
Total time 39,345 hours and 34,254 total landings.
1 May 1986
An inspection by engineers on behalf of Arkia found the aircraft to be in very poor condition and badly corroded.
4 March 1989
Sold to British Air Ferries (BAF).

January 1989 to April 1989
British Air Ferries (BAF)
4X-AVF - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
Israel registered
4 March 1989
Purchased from Arkia - Israel Inland Airlines.
Dismantled and prepared for shipment by road in sections.
April 1989
Shipped sections arrived at Stansted Airport, Essex, England together with parts from a second Viscount.
April 1989
Sections transferred to Southend Airport, Rochford, Essex, England together with parts from the second Viscount for spares recovery.
circa April 1989
Forward fuselage section transferred to Chelmer Transport Hauliers yard.

April 1989 to December 1992
Chelmer Transport Hauliers
4X-AVF - c/n 402 - a V.831 series Viscount
Israel registered
circa April 1989
Forward fuselage section transferred from British Air Ferries (BAF).
circa June 1992
Chopped-off cockpit section noted lying on the ground.
What happened to it afterwards? Details please to information@vickersviscount.net