August 1957 to April 1958
British European Airways Corporation (BEA)
G-AORC * - c/n 254 - a V.802 series Viscount
United Kingdom registered
February 1953
An order was placed for the first 800 series Viscount which was specifically designed for British European Airways Corporation (BEA).
This was the 24th and last Type 802 ordered by British European Airways (BEA).
2 January 1956
Registered to British European Airways Corporation (BEA).
29 July 1957
First flight from Brooklands Airfield, Weybridge, Surrey, England.
It landed at Wisley Airfield, Surrey, England for fitting out and test flying.
17 August 1957
Delivered to British European Airways (BEA) named as 'R M A Richard Lander'.
Crashed on to the Hill of Barnweill at Craigie, Ayrshire, Scotland
28 April 1958
Crashed on to the Hill of Barnweill at Craigie, 4½ miles east-northeast of Prestwick Airport, Ayrshire, Scotland on approach to land during a charter flight from London Airport (later known as Heathrow), Middlesex, England to collect a party of 24 stranded BOAC passengers.
The Viscount had taken off at 20:42 local time for the positioning flight to Prestwick Airport. Nearing Prestwick, a descent from FL185 was commenced. The aircraft was cleared to pass the Prestwick radio beacon at 4,000 feet. Shortly after the crew reported descending through 11,000 feet, the aircraft struck the ground close to the Prestwick radio beacon. The plane skidded for about 400 metres and caught fire. The crew of five, with the exception of one stewardess, were injured, but all got clear of the aircraft before it was consumed by fire.
PROBABLE CAUSE: The accident was considered to have been caused by the Captain flying the aircraft into the ground during the descent to Prestwick after mis-reading the altimeter by 10,000ft. Whilst a somewhat ambiguous presentation of height on the pressure altimeter may have initiated this mis-reading, a lack of co-operation between the Captain and First Officer and a lack of alertness on the part of the First Officer were also contributory factors.
Total time 1,312 hours and 845 total landings.
Flight Magazine report - 9 May 1958
FURTHER READING: Books about BEA - British European Airways