November 1957 to November 1961
Indian Airlines Corporation (IAC)
VT-DIH - c/n 195 - a V.768D series Viscount
India registered
An order for five Type 768D were placed by Indian Airlines Corporation (IAC).
This was the 4th aircraft delivered to IAC.
Production Aircraft No. 225 - the 225th production Type 700 series Viscount built,
was the 183rd Viscount fuselage assembled at Hurn, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England,
and the 180th Viscount assembled at Hurn, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.
Production Order No. F04/768. Sales Order No. 04/86B. Stock Order No. 26/32B.
28 May 1957
Fuselage assembly commenced at Hurn Airport, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.
Erecting Shop 'E' at Hurn, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England
8 July 1957
Fuselage to Erecting Shop 'E' at Hurn Airport, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.
30 October 1957
First flight from Hurn Airport, Bournemouth, Hampshire, England.
November 1957
Noted at London Airport (Heathrow), Middlesex, England outside the Hunting-Clan Airlines (HCA) maintenance facility before its delivery to India.
9 November 1957
Arrived at Safdarjung Airport, Delhi, India on delivery to Indian Airlines Corporation (IAC) in 44 seat configuration. Unusually, it was not given a name.
It had English titles on the port side of the fuselage and Hindi script on the starboard side.
9, 11 February 1958
Noted at Safdarjung Airport, Delhi, India carrying out crew training flights under the contract guidance of Hunting-Clan Chief Flying Instructor Brian Alexander Powell.
15 November 1961
Damaged beyond economic repair after skidding off the runway at Ratmalana Airport, Colombo, Ceylon.
The aircraft touched down about one third down the length of the runway. The co-pilot initiated an aborted landing but the aircraft skidded off the runway on the lefthand side and ended up on its belly. The Captain was landing the aircraft and had not instructed the Co-pilot to take over command. There were no serious injuries to the 6 crew and 36 passengers on board.
Total time 9,542 hours and 3,539 total landings.
Broken up for scrap. The actual date is not known. Details please to information@vickersviscount.net